196 research outputs found

    Why not empower knowledge workers and lifelong learners to develop their own environments?

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    In industrial and educational practice, learning environments are designed and implemented by experts from many different fields, reaching from traditional software development and product management to pedagogy and didactics. Workplace and lifelong learning, however, implicate that learners are more self-motivated, capable, and self-confident in achieving their goals and, consequently, tempt to consider that certain development tasks can be shifted to end-users in order to facilitate a more flexible, open, and responsive learning environment. With respect to streams like end-user development and opportunistic design, this paper elaborates a methodology for user-driven environment design for action-based activities. Based on a former research approach named 'Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments'(MUPPLE) we demonstrate how workplace and lifelong learners can be empowered to develop their own environment for collaborating in learner networks and which prerequisites and support facilities are necessary for this methodology

    Positioning for conceptual development using latent semantic analysis

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    With increasing opportunities to learn online, the problem of positioning learners in an educational network of content offers new possibilities for the utilisation of geometry-based natural language processing techniques. In this article, the adoption of latent semantic analysis (LSA) for guiding learners in their conceptual development is investigated. We propose five new algorithmic derivations of LSA and test their validity for positioning in an experiment in order to draw back conclusions on the suitability of machine learning from previously accredited evidence. Special attention is thereby directed towards the role of distractors and the calculation of thresholds when using similarities as a proxy for assessing conceptual closeness. Results indicate that learning improves positioning. Distractors are of low value and seem to be replaceable by generic noise to improve threshold calculation. Furthermore, new ways to flexibly calculate thresholds could be identified

    Language design for a personal learning environment design language

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    Approaching technology-enhanced learning from the perspective of a learner, we foster the idea of learning environment design, learner interactions, and tool interoperability. In this paper, we shortly summarize the motivation for our personal learning environment approach and describe the development of a domain-specific language for this purpose as well as its realization in practice. Consequently, we examine our learning environment design language according to its lexis and syntax, the semantics behind it, and pragmatical aspects within a first prototypic implementation. Finally, we discuss strengths, problematic aspects, and open issues of our approach

    The MUPPLE competence continuum

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    The idea of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) seems to polarise the educational sphere into supporters and opponents. Both groups relate their enthusiasm or criticism to underlying competences motivated by or needed for building up, running, and maintaining a PLE. Within the following article, results of a qualitative study with multiple cases will be presented to shed light onto which competence and which of its building blocks are involved in running a (mash-up) PLE. Data about the involved skills, abilities, habits, attitudes and knowledge will be presented in a raster of the five dimensions 'plan', 'reflect', 'monitor', 'act', and 'interact' against the three stages 'start', 'trigger', and 'outcome'. The findings indicate that there is a continuum ranging from the ones needed right ahead to the ones ultimately sought